How has cosmic history changed our understanding of things like dark matter and dark energy?

Sacred History Forums Cosmic History How has cosmic history changed our understanding of things like dark matter and dark energy?

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  • #2666
    Sacred HistorySacred History

    The Universe is full of mysteries. One of the most fascinating areas of research in astrophysics is that which deals with dark matter and dark energy. It’s also one of the most difficult to understand because it involves concepts like quantum mechanics and relativity – two subjects that are hard enough to wrap your head around without adding cosmology into the mix!

    The History of Cosmic Expansion has changed our understanding of things like dark matter and dark energy. These are two types of mysterious substances that make up about 23% of the total mass-energy budget in the universe, while 84% is made up of normal visible matter like stars and galaxies.

    The first hint that there might be something special about these “dark” forces came from measurements showing they seemed to be accelerating away from one another at speeds close to that predicted by General Relativity – leading some people to speculate that they might even constitute an entirety outside space-time itself!

    In your opinion, what are some other plausible explanations for Dark Matter and Dark Energies function in the universe as opposed to just being simply something that exists like regular matter?

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